Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who Are We?

Feminists Against Birthright In Communities (FABRIC) is a collective group of activists who aim to expose Crisis Pregnancy Centers, particularly Birthright in Mankato, MN, for the misleading entities that they are. 
FABRIC is committed to advocating for women’s access to accurate medical information with respect to their reproductive health and options.
Moreover, FABRIC seeks to inform the public and encourage them to seek counseling from a licensed medical institution. 

If you'd like to get involved or if you're interested in learning more, contact us at:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What are Crisis Pregnancy Centers?

Our collective is committed to exposing the lies behind local crisis pregnancy centers, specifically Birthright of Mankato. To learn more about these centers and the lies that they use to promote an anti-choice initiative, check out these videos.

Reality Check: A Look At Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Crisis Pregnancy Centers: A Special Report