Monday, November 1, 2010

Join Us In Protesting Birthright!

Mankato's Birthright Center; wrong choice for pregnant women.

On Friday November 5th, 2010, Feminists Against Birthright In Communities (FABRIC) will be hosting a protest on the corner of Cherry and South Front Street. FABRIC finds fault with the duplicitous nature of Birthright's services and would like for this center to engage in honest and informative practices. FABRIC is interested in finding concerned citizens in favor of women's health in our community. To do so, we are planning a protest of their facility in downtown Mankato. The protest will bring to light the misleading advertisements that stage Birthright centers as medical facilities , when no medical professionals works or volunteer medical services. FABRIC is committed to advocating for women's access to accurate medical information with respect to their reproductive rights.

All interested parties should gather at 11 am on the corner of Cherry and South Front Street.
Bring your voice!

1 comment:

  1. How many people are expected to participate? I saw several signs around campus, but I would hate to show up alone.
